Ben Leeder
The compassion king himself.
If you cut Ben Leeder in half, he’d have “courage” running through his middle like a stick of rock.
Leaving a successful career to work closely with the coachesin the HPC, every single one of us owes Ben an enormous “thank you”.
Because of the courage it took…
Because of the self-doubt he overcame…
Because of the imposter syndrome he conquered…
Ben speaks from a place of genuine authenticity when it comes to putting all those negative, shrinking thoughts back into their box
Without a doubt, Ben’s super power is emotional intelligence.
The guy has an impeccable radar for what isn’t being said, reading between the lines and holding space for someone - guiding them while they come to their own conclusions about what they need.
He lends us his patience, his intuition and leads the way for heartfelt coaching.
Ben’s a genuinely remarkable, enormously kind asset to the HPC community.

My wife (and now entire family) calls me Benny, and I hate it.. but after 10 years of marriage, I’ve accepted my fate 😂🙃❤️

Chilling out?
People watching in the sun with a Fanta Lemon and watching the world go by.

Favourite book
Arsene Wenger’s autobiography. So many of life’s memories in that book.

Least favourite exercise
Bulgarian Split Squats are rank. It’s a no Bueno from me.